Creatine for Women: A game-changer for health & performance
When you hear 'creatine', you might think of male bodybuilders loading up to gain muscle mass. Certainly, that is true, but research has evolved significantly in the last two...
Creatine 101: What you need to know
Creatine is one of the most researched and effective supplements for strength, recovery, cognition, bone density, mood and lean muscle growth. That’s why we’re thrilled to introduce CREATINE MONOHYDRATE to...
CANYON//SRAM zondacrypto X PILLAR Performance
We are very pleased to announce our partnership with CANYON//SRAM zondacrypto to provide leading performance health supplementation for the riders throughout the 2025 season, starting at the Tour Down Under....
Collagen For Athletes
Did you know that up to 40% of sports injuries involve damage to musculoskeletal tissue? For athletes, these injuries often mean time away from training and competition. Sports that require...
Collagen In Your Diet
You can get collagen from a few different dietary sources, like bovine, marine, and poultry-based collagen. Bovine collagen, which often comes from beef bone broth, is a great source of...
STUDY: Effects of ULTRA OMEGA on High-Impact Sport Athletes
Contact sport athletes endure extensive physiological strain in training and competition. These sports, such as Rugby League, involve repeated sprint intervals and high impact body collisions, often resulting in tissue...
NN Running x PILLAR Performance
We are thrilled to announce this new partnership with the NN Running Team that will see PILLAR micronutrition products now integrated across nutrition protocols of the greatest distance runners globally.This...
Why Is Immunity So Important For Endurance Athletes?
You hear it time and time again: what is the key to success in competitive sports? More often than not, it comes down to consistent training. This means stringing together...
PILLAR Performance embarks on a trailblazing research partnership with Israel - Premier Tech Pro Cycling Team & WHOOP.
Perfektes Frühstück: Starten Sie richtig in den Tag
Wir alle kennen das Sprichwort: Gewinne den Morgen, gewinne den Tag! Wenn es um Ernährung und Energieversorgung geht, trifft dies ziemlich genau zu. Tatsächlich ist für die meisten Sportler (und...
Kann der Verzehr von Gemüse und Obst Ihren Schlaf verbessern?
Scott Tindal, Mitbegründer und Chief Nutrition Officer des US-amerikanischen Unternehmens Fuelin In diesem Bericht geht es um die Rolle von Schlaf und Ernährung auf die Gesundheit sowie um die Auswirkung...
Pip Taylor: Verbessern Sie Ihr Schwimmprogramm für Ihr nächstes Rennen
Viele Triathleten haben eine Hassliebe zum Schwimmen. Wenn Sie das Glück haben, über einen Schwimmhintergrund zu verfügen, geschieht dies ganz natürlich und mit scheinbar geringem Aufwand. Aber wenn Sie nicht...
Inflammation – when it’s ‘good’ and when it’s not
Inflammation. It’s a word we hear a lot and usually with negative connotations. The truth is a little more complex than that, and as athletes it’s worthwhile understanding the key...
Cold weather, altitude and winter sports nutrition
Training and competing in the cold is more than just bundling up in some extra layers. There are some extra challenges to keep in mind, including nutritional practices, both to...
Eating your way through injury
If you’ve been any sort of athlete for more than a minute, you’ve no doubt dealt with a niggle, full-blown injury or just the fear of one cropping up and...
Nutrition and short-term recovery vs long term adaptions
Any athlete who has trained hard will be familiar with that residual muscular pain, the type that ranges from ’oh so good’ to ‘oh my god no’ depending on who...
Pip Taylor: Joint health Q&A
Our resident Performance Dietitian, Pip Taylor talks all things joints, answering some of your questions about your joints and how to best look after them.Understand more about what strategies you...
Magnesium glycinate dihydrate. The hero for sleep
Sleep undoubtedly plays an inextricable role in the recovery process. “Sleep is this incredible period of our lives where we are not conscious. We might dream, we might twitch, but...
Micronutrition and Performance
High Protein, Low Carb.High Carb, Low Fat.Low Carb, Low Fat. We’ve heard it all. Popular diets often reduce the relationship between human health and nutrition down to three main categories:...
Why not all Magnesium is created equal
Magnesium is one of the most abundant minerals and essential for over three hundred biochemical processes within the body. These processes range from assisting in getting a good night’s sleep,...