
AVG. 4.6 (OVER 5000 REVIEWS)

Offer strictly valid on orders placed after the sale commencement time of 10am on Tuesday 25th March 2025 (AEDT). The sale ends at 10am on Tuesday 1st April 2025 (AEDT). We will not under any circumstances be able to honour the advertised offer on a past order in the form of a refund or store credit, irrespective of how recently your past order was placed. We also are unable to honour the offer after the sale has ended. This sale is strictly valid on one-time orders placed between the dates and times specified above.

The offer: One (1) micronutrition product reduced by 50% off with the purchase of one (1) or more micronutrition full-price products. The one (1) reduced product will be the micronutrition product of lowest value in the cart. The offer excludes accessories and bundle products. Only one (1) reduced product per transaction and customer, irrespective of transaction value or quantity of products purchased.

The offer is only available via the following online stores: https://pillarperformance.shop/; https://pillarperformance.eu/.

Prices are as marked and advertised, and no discount code is needed at checkout. Any other discount codes/offers cannot be used in conjunction with the Birthday Sale. New or existing subscriptions that are processed during the sale time frame are not eligible to receive the Offer. 

In reference to Shipping and Returns or Refunds, please refer to existing policies available on our website. PILLAR Performance reserves the right to change the conditions, duration, or nature of this sale at any time without notice.

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